Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dear Lucy {year 2 1/2}


Yesterday I sat outside the church in your daddy’s truck, waiting to pick you up from school.  A teacher walked you out, holding your hand, waiting for me to pull up.  I was seriously that mom that stared at you and started tearing up.  I couldn’t stop smiling.  The majority of the time, you feel like an extension of me.  But every once in awhile I try and just see you through objective eyes.  This was one of those times.  I couldn’t believe how you could look so tiny and so big all at the same time.  Rolled up jean shorts, your new hot pink sneakers, complete with a little pony tail.  Your big owl backpack hanging on your tiny shoulders.  A pursed lip grin across your face.  You are so stinkin’ cute.   

Which by the way, you have grown 2 ½ inches since turning 2!

You are also very bright my dear.   The things that you are learning and doing and speaking on a daily basis, amaze me.  I love our conversations.  I love the conversations I hear you have with yourself.  I love the conversations you have with Jesus.  You are sweet and precious and hilarious.

You adore your baby sister.  In every way imaginable.  You are an example of how to simply delight in someone.  You even have a different smile and expression saved just for Lulah.  It is amazing to watch.

Lucy I adore you.  You have the kindest heart and you become so concerned when people look sad.  Your humor and your smile just might cure all.  The things you recall and the stories you tell are becoming all the family entertainment we need.  Your imagination is taking off and I look forward to watching you take that journey.  

A new favorite phrase for you is, “I have to”

Lucy, can you please stop shredding that coloring page into tiny pieces all over the living room?
Sorry mom, I have to.

Lucy, please get your feet off of your sister.
But I have to.

Lucy, if your broom becomes a weapon we’ll have to put it up.
I have to mama!

This is what we hear all day long.  So we’ve been talking about what it actually means to, ‘have to’ :)

But one of my favorite parts of the day has become your bedtime routine.  I lay down with you and we chat a little bit, talk to Jesus a little bit and then cuddle up until you fall asleep.  And lately, right before you drift off, you roll over and take my face between your two hands and nose to nose you whisper, “Mama, I weally yove you. We had a gwate day.”

Yes baby girl, a day with you in it, is most certainly a great day.


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