Monday, July 13, 2015

20 Weeks

Dear baby,

I had my second midwife appointment last week.  With the knowledge that only comes from decades of feeling the bellies of pregnant women, she pressed on my stomach and confirmed that your position and size is just what it should be.  Then with your sisters on either side of me, we waited quietly while she moved the fetoscope around in search of your heartbeat.  She found it.  You didn't quite hold still long enough for a count, but you did end with a good kick to the scope.  It was a sweet time with good conversation.  These visits are just as much about preparing your sisters for your birth and I am so thankful they get to be a part of all of it and add their questions and wonder to the whole process.

Right now we are in Florida visiting your Uncle Tyler, Aunt Amanda, and baby Nate.  Baby Nate...a title that he will soon be passing on to you as he turns one this October and your arrival will be the following month.  While here, we have listened to live music along the river at an outdoor market, water-colored sitting in the garden of a local museum, visited the animals in the zoo, and of course dug in the sand and dipped our toes in the sea.  It's been such a sweet visit, one I look forward to you being a part of as well.

You are growing...keep on little one, keep on.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

18 Weeks

Dear baby,

2 days ago we hit 18 weeks, and you had a bit of a growth spurt.  I can always tell when the growth has been significant because your Papa will come home from work, grin and say ‘Whoa!  Hello there baby.’ and rub my belly.

I’ve been trying hard lately to stick to a better bedtime for me so that I can enjoy feeling good by being rested.  But your Papa is a night owl and staying up talking and vegging out with him has been just too tempting lately.  But the good news?  For the last 4 or 5 nights I’ve been feeling you move.  Not the kicks and punches yet, but those first early flutters that feel like a more subtle version of what happens in your belly when you drive over steep hills.  Something I might not even recognize as you if this wasn’t my third time around.  And this only happens around 11:00 or 11:30 at night.  I’m grateful for these moments, and that I’m awake to feel them.

So here’s to being about the size of a bell pepper and having the ability to flex your arms and legs.