Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lucy is already 2...months!

Dear Lucy,

You’re 2 months old and it’s been a great second month. With no fault of your own, that first month was a little rough. As stated before, I cried every day and didn’t bathe much, and you almost chewed my nipples off – seriously, our lactation consultant said they were the worst she’s seen. But we’re good now…YAY! (And yes, I mentioned the nipples just in case one day you wanted to thank me for the breast milk you get to continue to enjoy.) But the end of the fourth week came and it was like a fog lifted and I was all, “You are the coolest baby ever!” Lucy, I’m in love with being your mama. When you sleep I still can’t help but stare at you, which by the way, at night we’re talking 7 to 8 hours straight. Now if only I could sleep 7 or 8 hours straight. I’m usually up waiting for you so I can watch your world continue to expand. It’s pretty awesome. Just yesterday your dad was drying you off from a bath and you saw yourself in the mirror, really saw yourself, for the first time. You were so funny. It was clear you found that baby in the mirror very charming and engaging. I would have to agree :) Oh, and I’m addicted to your smiles. So is your dad, and boy can he collect them from you. There is so much sweetness in them; from your closed mouth smirk, to your all out gummy smile. You are so ready to just bust out a big ole’ belly laugh! And I’m enjoying your ever widening vocal range as well. You give the birds a run for their money. I think you’re going to be a singer. You also have an inquisitive mood that is hilarious. Your eyes get so wide and you hold your little head up as high and straight as you can and soak it all in, very serious like. You love our walks, or even just sitting outside. You’re still obsessed with ceiling fans. You don’t mind meeting new people at all, although it does wipe you out (just like your mama.) You’ve attended parties, luncheons, a wedding, even a formal gala with me and had perfect manners. I stopped worrying about how to do things with a baby and I just do them but with a new fabulous accessory…you. Even something like making a hair appointment, can you take new babies with you to a highlight and cut? I finally just made the appointment. You sat in my lap staring at this girl doing all this crazy stuff to your Mama’s hair, laid on my belly during the hair wash, and fell asleep in my arms as soon as the hair dryer came on. I have so many plans for us kid.

Every day gets better. Each week blows my mind. And now realizing how quickly months will start going by, I just hold you even more often. I can take a million pictures, which I probably will. But what I want seared into my brain is your sweet smell, and how when you start falling asleep you aimlessly rub your fat little hand on my chest and neck and face. How when you nuzzle in my neck and I lean my face down on top of your head, it feels like smooth velvet. And your snorts and grunts when you’re trying to wake up but can’t quite open your eyes. You are amazing Lucy Pearl.



  1. Caption #1: "May I help you?"
    Caption #2: "Yes???"
    Caption #3: "Would you like fries with that?!"

    Lindsey, she's got your eyes!

  2. I know Steve through my husband and love reading your blog updates. I'm so glad you stuck with nursing! I've nursed all 3 of mine, and the one thing I wish people would have told me in the beginning is to give it at least 6-8 weeks. After that it all seemed to click with each of my girls. I too had an amazing lactation consultant who I consider a good friend now! Enjoy every moment, because they grow so quickly!!!
