Thursday, March 3, 2011

38 Weeks

Dear Baby,

A lot has been going on since I last wrote, besides you and me continuing to grow.

Your cousin Martin turned One! We had a fantastic party surrounded with family and it was just crazy to think that this time next year I'll be planning your first birthday.
Oh, and this beautiful woman here, your Great Grandma, turned 85!

Your Great Aunt Sandra also hosted a baby shower in your honor at the Governor's mansion.
It was incredible how many things we received for you! Your dad and I were overwhelmed and were reminded how blessed we are. I'm so excited for you to meet all these friends and family who have already been so supportive and generous with helping us prepare to welcome you.

But the biggest thing was when your Nana and Papa came to visit and we got to put everything together. Your Nana brought all the finishing touches that she has been sewing for your room and then we put everything in it's place. Kid…it looks amazing!!! Nana also helped me with my checklist of things still needed before you arrive and she helped organize everything we already have. You'll find that she is very good at that. And having that kind of help lets me stay in La La Land just thinking about you :) But we are ready, ready, ready. We are absolutely ready for you! This doesn't mean rush though, you take your time and continue to plump and come when you're ready.

Oh, and it's March. We get to meet you this month.

You are so loved.

Love, Mama

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